From Feedback to Features: Enhancing Scanfully’s v1.0 ‘s Capabilities

As you may have seen, we launched Scanfully last week, and the feedback we’ve received has been overwelmingly positive. This was the biggest wonder we had, of course, as we have been building in our little bubble for over a year now.

A feature we’ve gotten a lot of questions about is our WordPress Uptime Monitor. Because, as it so happens, Cloudflare had some intermittent outages the day after our launch. And customers were reporting that our Uptime Monitor seemed a bit trigger happy as they were comparing them to similar services.

Seemed. Because in the end, we were reporting accurately. But it can be a bit confusing as to why that is.

So, let me explain what our WordPress Uptime Monitor is different from other’s.

What are you pinging?

Scanfully Uptime Monitor history screenshot

Any uptime monitor basically does nothing more than ping a particular website. You check for a HTTP status of 200, and if it’s not that, you’re not up. In essence, it’s that simple.

But is it?

Of course not. Because if your registrar, your hosting, and your Cloudflare settings are implemented with the goal to raise your cache hit ratio to the max, you’re going to be caching everything heavily where we can.

This means you pings are most likely pinging something cached somewhere in the connection the ping uses. And that means, you end up with a very high possibility of ping something somewhere that is cached.

Without getting into specifics, our uptime monitor pings your site in a smart way from understanding this principle.

That said

Some of the feedback we received, however, gave us some interesting insights into how we can improve our uptime monitor and how we’re reporting about this. This is one of the upcoming improvements we’ll be adding to our uptime monitor.

Alongside some other improvements that help us bypass caching on the entire connection from our pinging service to your website, we’ll soon have an even more feature rich uptime monitor for WordPress.

Notifications everywhere

The second feature we received a lot of questions about was our notifications. Specifically, about two channels that were missing: Slack and Pushover.

Since they were already high on our priority list, we’ve decided to implement both channels this week.

So as of today you can now receive your notifications per email, Slack, Discord, and Pushover.

Scanfully Pushover Settings

And with that, we’re onto building our Vulnerability Scanner and Content Health scan. In any case, do let us know what you’d like us to add as well. We’re not building Scanfully for us, we’re building it for you!

If you haven’t yet, btw, do create an account and check us out.

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